Inspiring the next generation of care practitioners
This is a Vocational Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 course for students interested in learning about the health sector alongside other fields of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of FE courses in care. Students will study the essential values of care, communicating and working with individuals in the health sector, understanding body systems and understanding basic first aid.
This qualification introduces students to the biggest employment sector in the UK, which includes elements of the NHS, local authority adult and child care services as well as a range of independent providers which provide care in a variety of settings. It introduces students to this vocational sector and the role it plays in the health, well-being and care of individuals across all age ranges. Students will also develop transferable skills, in particular communication, aspects of team working and other essential life skills. As you might expect, both the bulk of learning and assessment is through practical means.
There are many different careers a qualification in this sector could lead to: nurse, social worker, midwife, care worker, nursery nurse, health care assistant, child minder.
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