It is a great privilege to serve as Headteacher of this school. You can feel the passion and energy that radiates from our community as we work tirelessly to ensure that this is a thriving and harmonious environment in which our students learn and flourish. We work every day to ensure that our students leave school as well-rounded, confident, well-adjusted young people, with an awareness of the wider world and a desire to make a positive difference.
Our mission of ‘Success for All’ is delivered through our challenging, and engaging curriculum. This reflects and celebrates our distinctive, richly diverse, and vibrant community. The primary purpose of our curriculum is to equip every child with the knowledge, skills, and personal qualities so that they reach their full potential, regardless of their background, experience, or social privilege, to achieve success now and in the next phase of their education and life, making a positive contribution to society. Our curriculum is designed to open doors and unlock minds to ensure that all our students are given opportunities to thrive and shine.
Everything we do here is underpinned by our students living out our Christian values of: Ambition, Happiness, Pride, Peace and Reconciliation, and Respect. We work relentlessly to ensure all our students are happy and given the opportunities to be the best version of themselves.
I encourage you to visit our very special and unique school to see it in action.
Jo Leech Headteacher