Our page on OFSTED’s website is HERE and our DFE information can be found HERE

If you require further information about our Curriculum offer, please contact Mr C O’Doherty (Deputy Headteacher) at the academy via odohertyc@asfa.allsaintsmat.org

The Academy of St Francis of Assisi Opening Times

Monday – Friday 8am – 4:30pm

No time off has been taken by staff who are trade union officials.

Our Trust Data Protection Officer is Ms Rebecca Bowers, all GDPR queries must be sent to her via info@asfa.allsaintsmat.org

 Should you require a paper copy of any of the information on this website, including in alternative formats, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will provide this free of charge.  General queries should be directed to Mrs Rachel Barrow at info@asfa.allsaintsmat.org