Students will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding of key religious beliefs and practices as well as the skills of analysis, application and evaluation of these beliefs to modern day themes. Students follow AQA specification A. The course is divided into Christian and Islamic Beliefs and Practices and four engaging themes: Crime and punishment, Peace and Conflict, Religion and Life and Relationships.

Key Stage 4 RE

Year  Term   Topic  Type Of Assessment  Assessment Window 
10  Autumn Christian Practices   Christian practices- 4/5 mark Knowledge and understanding question  Week 12- November  
Christian practices-12 mark Evaluation skills question. 
Religion and life- 4/5 mark Knowledge and understanding question 
Religion and life 
Spring Religion and life  Religion and life-12 mark Evaluation skills question.  Week 22- January 
Islamic beliefs- 4/5 mark Knowledge and understanding question 
Islamic Beliefs   Mock exam- January- Christian Beliefs and Practices. 
Summer Islamic Beliefs   Islamic practices-12 mark Evaluation skills question.  Week 34-June 
End of year assessment- Islamic Beliefs and Religion and life. 
11  Autumn Islamic Practices   Islamic practices- 4/5 mark Knowledge and understanding question  Week 10-Nov 
Islamic practices-12 mark Evaluation skills question. 
Mock exam- Islamic Beliefs and practices. Christian Beliefs and Practices. 
Relationships- 4/5 mark Knowledge and understanding question 
Spring Relationships  Relationships-12 mark Evaluation skills question.  Week 24- March 
Mock exam-  
Recap and review of yr7-11  Themes- Relationships, Crime, Conflict and Life. 
Summer Recap and review of yr7-11