There are ten big ideas at key stage 3. The topics are sequenced to develop an understanding of a big idea by multiple interactions. Topics in each big idea are ordered from simpler, topics to more abstract ones. The curriculum develops pupil’s knowledge, from understanding to application. Working scientifically runs along side all topics developing essential scientific skills. The curriculum map below provides an overview of the topics covered throughout years 7, 8 and 9. 

Key Stage 3 Science

Year Term  Topic  Assessment 
7 Autumn  Forces: Speed and gravity  w/c 10th October  
Matter: Particle model and separating mixtures  w/c 28th November  
Organisms: Cells and movement   w/c 19th December  
Spring  Energy: Energy costs and energy transfers  w/c 16th January  
Reactions: Acids and alkalis and metals and non-metals  w/c 13th February  
Ecosystems: Interdependence and plant reproduction  w/c 20th  March  
Summer   Electromagnetism: Potential difference and current   w/c 17th April  
Earth: Earths structure and universe  w/c 15th May  
Genes: Variation and human reproduction   w/c 19th June  
Waves: Sound and light   w/c 17th July  
8 Autumn  Forces: Contact forces and pressure  w/c 17th October 
Matter: Elements and the periodic table   w/c 28th November  
Organisms: Breathing and digestion  w/c 16th January  
Spring  Energy: Work done, heating and cooling   w/c 13th February 
Reactions: Types of reaction and chemical energy  w/c 20th Match  
Ecosystems: Photosynthesis and respiration   w/c 17th April 
Summer   Electromagnetism: Magnetism and electromagnets   w/c 1st May 
Earth: Climate and earth resources  w/c 29th May 
Genes: Evolution and inheritance   w/c 26th June 
Waves: Wave effects and wave properties  w/c 17th July 
9 Autumn  Forces: Forces and their interactions  w/c 17th October 
Matter: Atomic structure  w/c 15th November 
Organisms: Cell structure  w/c 12th December  
Spring  Energy: Energy transfers in a system  w/c 16th January 
Reactions: Chemical analysis   w/c 13th February 
Ecosystems: Interdependence and ecosystems  w/c 20th March 
Summer    Electromagnetism: Electricity  w/c 17th April 
Earth: The Earth’s atmosphere  w/c 15th May 
Genes: Cell division   w/c 19th June 
Waves: Waves in air, fluids and solids  w/c 17th July