Our Key Stage three curriculum is designed to ensure pupils develop the substantive knowledge required to understand and appreciate the vital role history plays in modern society through the study of political, social, economic, cultural and technological changes that have shaped the modern world. 

History is taught through a wide-ranging, diverse, representative curriculum which allows all of our pupils to explore their place in the world and engage in uncovering the links between the past and their own lives.

At KS3 students develop the same skills and second-order concepts that they will need to succeed in Key Stage four. Pupils will also have a firm grasp of the historical context in which our GCSE studies are set. Our GCSE specification covers a thematic study of medicine through time, a period study of exploring Elizabethan England and depth studies of the American West and Weimar and Nazi Germany.

Year  Term   Topic  Type Of Assessment  Assessment Window 
Autumn  Legacy of the Vikings   2 End of unit test  Wb 3rd October 2022 
The Norman Conquest   Low stakes quizzes   Wb 12th December 2022 
Spring   Saladin and the Third Crusade   2 End of unit test  Wb 6th February 2023 
England and the Black Death  Low stakes quizzes  Wb 27 March 2023 
Summer   The Mali Empire   2 End of unit test  Wb 22nd May 2023 
Reformation England   Low stakes quizzes  Wb 26th June 2023 
Autumn   The British Empire   2 End of unit test  Wb 3rd October 2022 
The Slave Trade   Low stakes quizzes   Wb 3rd December 2022 
Spring   American Revolution   2 End of unit test  Wb 30th January 2023 
Industrial Revolution  Low stakes quizzes  Wb 27 March 2023 
Summer   French Revolution   2 End of unit test  Wb 19th May 2023 
Suffrage   Low stakes quizzes  Wb 26th June 2023 
Autumn   WWI   2 End of unit test  Wb 3rd October 2022 
Russian Revolution  Low stakes quizzes   Wb 12th December 2022 
Spring   WWII   2 End of unit test  Wb 6th February 2023 
Holocaust   Low stakes quizzes  Wb 27 March 2023 
Summer   Civil Rights USA  2 End of unit test  Wb 22nd May 2023 
Civil Rights UK   Low stakes quizzes  Wb 26th June 2023