We implement our vision of ‘Success for All’ through our curriculum that is ambitious, challenging and engaging.
An entitlement that reflects and celebrates our diverse and vibrant community.
The primary purpose of the curriculum is to equip every child with the knowledge, skills and personal qualities in order to reach the limits of their capability, regardless of their background, experience or social privilege, to achieve success now and in the next phase of their education and life, making a positive contribution to society.
Our aim is to also develop the confidence and character of the whole child through totality of experience which encompasses academic subject knowledge and skills alongside a programme of personal growth, social education and development.
Core curriculum principles aim to:
- Raise aspirations through a thoughtfully sequenced curriculum that is ambitious, broad, organised and efficient, exposing students to a range of cultural experiences, across subjects, to enrich them as individuals.
- Equip students with high levels of literacy so that they are fluent speakers, readers & writers.
- Develop student’s character, channelling their characteristics towards meaningful personal growth.
Strength of Mind:
The principles are underpinned by a commitment to students:
- Academic and cognitive growth:Learners who know more, remember more and can apply more, guided by the national curriculum; enriched by the cultures and nationalities which form an integral part of the school.
- Acquisition of knowledge and skills over time, through challenge and support: a KS3 that focuses knowledge coverage in depth over excessive breadth; that builds upon KS2 and fully prepares students for KS4 and beyond.
- Rapid progress in literacy acquisition: so that students Read well, Speak well, Write well; with bespoke provision where students have fallen short of age related expectations at Key Stage 3 so that no child is left behind.
- Independence as learners: students who, take responsibility for their learning; can articulate how they learn and are able to use numeracy and critical thinking skills to ask questions and solve problems.
Strength of Character: Academy Growth Programme:
A commitment to developing:
- Spiritual formation and well rounded, tolerant young members of our community who are best prepared to contribute to British society. Students who embody and model our values of, Pride, Ambition, Resilience, Happiness and Peace and Reconciliation.
- Active, passionate and engaged learners who are developing better moral, physical, spiritual, emotional and social habits and dispositions.
- Student leaders via the ASFA Leadership Ladder, developing leadership skills and traits across subjects, groups, year groups, whole school and beyond.
- Curricular and extracurricular growth, opportunities in and outside the classroom to enhance cultural capital and experience with every student interaction (within and outside of the classroom). Underpinned by a bespoke programme of Careers development to encourage students to engage with local, national agendas and growth sectors.
All Students are challenged and supported to engage with pace and focus in core subjects and across a broad range of subject disciplines.
KS3 curriculum strands are:
English, Reading, History, Geography, Spanish, French, Issues & Beliefs Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Physical Education, Computing, ICT, Graphics, Construction, Textiles, Food Art, Music, Drama, PSHE
The KS4 core curriculum subjects are:
English Language, English Literature Mathematics, Higher/Foundation, Separate Science (Physics Chemistry, Biology) Combined Science (Physics Chemistry, Biology) Issues and Beliefs, Physical Education
KS4 Option Subjects are: | ||
History | Spanish | Drama |
Geography | French | Construction |
Music | Sports Science | Hospitality and Catering |
Travel and Tourism | Art | Sociology |
Sports Science | ICT | History |
Business Studies | Computer Science | Geography |
ESOL (English as a Second Language) | Health & Social Care | Creative I Media |
Academy Growth Programme
We also deliver a graduated programme of character education. This is a holistic curriculum to ensure students develop their character, tolerance, and resilience, giving them the confidence and skills to succeed and thrive beyond school, at university, in apprenticeships and in the world of work.
- Language ambassadors
- Reading, scholarship & Debate Mate
- Student Leadership
- Artistic performance Spiritual Education
- Cultural celebrations & world events PSHE/SMSC
- Games and competition Careers and STEM
For further information contact-Andrea St John- Email: stjohna@asfaonline.org
Curriculum planning overview
In 2019, we began our 3-year curriculum journey, based on our research into the science of learning in order to develop, organise and monitor a rigorous curriculum through supported guidance in each subject area. Our planning aims to build a coherent well thought out curriculum with clear links to the national curriculum. Providing pathways to further thinking and learning, where each assessment identifies misconceptions and provides quality next steps for students.
September 2019
- Curriculum vision created whole school and departmentally
- 5-year subject plans plan of learning, based on the national curriculum and Academy wide priorities of Careers and enterprise education and a commitment developing cultural capital.
- Schemes of learning with clear links that show clearly how we will meet the needs of our students.
- Curricular goals (overarching aims).
- Key Learning outcomes, knowledge & skills acquisition.
- Links with National Curriculum.
- Sequence of learning, key concepts, content knowledge and skills.
- Stretch/scholarship.
- Links to prior learning.
- Key vocabulary.
- Furthering culture capital.
- Wider reading listening watching.
- Scholarship.
- Formative assessment. Key identified pieces of work for feedback
- Summative assessment.
- Home learning.
2019-21-ongoing curriculum review and continued professional development for teams in:
- Sequencing departmental curriculum to optimise workings over time.
- Exploring key concepts and coherence within and across planning.
- Identifying opportunities to celebrate and explore diversity in the curriculum.
- Authenticity of resourcing to provide challenging and engaging opportunities for learning. Furthering culture capital within the curriculum and resourcing of the curriculum.
- Reviewing Implementation and subsequent impacts of curriculum.
- Powerful knowledge and opportunities for mastery across subject curriculums. (Do students know enough at KS3 and 4 to cease studying the subject?)
- Ensuring broad and recurring themes and principles at KS3 support students at KS4.
- Literacy, reading, writing, vocabulary, oracy. (The big 4).
- Scholarship, challenge and support.
- Addressing gaps and missed opportunities in planning to build fluency of key concepts
- comprehensively for students.
- Identifying misconceptions as a continued review process.
- Exploring substantial and disciplinary knowledge in planning and implementation.
- Reading across all subjects.
2021-22-Quality of education reviews -Intent, implementation, impact
We have viewed curriculum planning and design as Progression model.
Our continued professional development and collaboration allows us to be adaptable and responsive. We are continually reviewing and adapting our curriculum through review quality assurance, self-evaluation and dialogue.
For further information contact-Charles O’Doherty- Email: odoherty@asfaonline.org